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UFO/UAP, What is really going on in the skies?

On 25th June, the US Department of Defence is to announce to Congress a report on the results of the many unidentified aerial phenomena that occurred in the skies between 2019 and 2021 alone. And for the first time, the entire media and scientific world is not only questioning the existence of UFOs, but also taking the subject very seriously.

It is the very hot summer night when one can contemplate the stars in their extraordinary beauty and luminosity. And then we only have to raise our eyes to the sky to find them there, regarding us with their bright and deep eyes. At the exact moment of that fantastic encounter, all the existential questions come to mind, to which we obviously have no plausible answer, but which "we ask ourselves with the extreme humility of one who is ashamed of so bold a thought towards the magnificence in front of us". The questions are always the same for everyone, namely:

  • Who are we?

  • Where do we come from?

  • Why are we here?

  • and finally, Do aliens exist?

In the contemplative silence of the night sky, one also has the impression of not feeling "alone" in the universe; in fact, the perception of being connected to a cosmic force, if you like, puts us in a state of alertness and broad vision, which makes us accept with sufficient serenity the possibility of new extraterrestrial life forms, while also making us flexible to the everyday obstacles of present life.

But to the question of UFOs, for example, if it really happened that they do exist and are among us, how would we ever react?

After all, for many people, the idea of the possible existence of aliens does not impress them at all. In fact, there are hundreds if not thousands of testimonies of people, who have seen and told of their "special experiences" over the last 60 years, in which even military personnel, experienced pilots and scholars have been involved, even if they are not passionate about the subject. And all of them have tried to prove 'their truth' by sharing it with the media and the scientific world, only to receive scant attention and fat laughs behind their backs.

Another aspect to be taken into account in the dissemination of the Report, is in consideration of all those witnesses who in the past were considered Outsiders and therefore derided, dismissed or considered crazy, and who instead now experience for the first time a tangible revenge. What has changed is actually the perspective of interest on the subject, becoming immediately 'authoritative and scientific'. Even the Pentagon is talking about it with its Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, giving official confirmation and information on the many videos that leave little to the imagination. And the myriad questions have been chasing each other for days on social media, in response to what might happen after the Day After 6/25. Here are the most virals:

  • What is really happening in the skies above our heads?

  • People deserve to know the truth about UFOs.

  • How will the future of humanity change after #ufodayafter?

Technology 1000 years ahead of our time

"In short, the things that we're looking at, which are hard to explain - so there's a lot of it, and I think that this information has been collected and will be put out in a way that the American people can see."
John Ratcliffe - Ex Direttore dell'Intelligence -

In the interview that former Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe gave to Fox News in March, he is the first to question the continuing evidence from video and radar that these unidentified vehicles, also known as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) are objectively 'difficult to explain'. He continues referring to the unknown technology used by UAPs, that: "Some of these have been declassified. And when we're talking about sightings, we're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or that have been captured by satellite imagery, that frankly perform actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are difficult to replicate, for which we don't have the technology."

Former US Navy Chief Weapons Specialist Sean Cahill, referring to the 2004 episode on the Ship Prince, also commented on the unidentified flying object: "and without any control surface it was moving at hypersonic speed, ahead of our aircraft entering the combat patrol point. It seemed to know in advance where the planes were going. We have no such means and capabilities in our arsenal." And concluding, "This technology outstrips our arsenal by at least hundreds or even a thousand years."

These are certainly all important and courageous statements, but when one considers that they come from military experts and professionals in advanced warfare techniques, everything takes on a whole new attitude.

In relation to the unofficial nature of the news presented in pills during this last period, we know that "sightings now take place all over the world", as Ratcliffe himself continues, putting the question on a different level, namely the legitimacy of the news resulting from the imminent Disclosure of 1Th June. In the impatience of the many 'believers' to receive the official confirmations, there is therefore an immense interest on the part of the media, in the action of a growing involvement of their readers in in-depth reading, with the use of redundant headlines of pure emotional impact.

This is the case of the illustrious "The New York Times", which in the last two months has published some very interesting investigative articles on the subject, (and which we recommend reading) such as:

The NYT is of course not alone in its witty argument about UFOs/UAPs; all the major international news outlets are writing a lot of ink about it, partly in pursuit of the ever-increasing audience, partly to underline the common underlying message of Ratcliffe's long-distance reporting, which could be summed up as: "They exist and they are out there".

Obama, Rubio, Mellon and others

"What is true, and I'm really serious here, is that there is footage and recordings of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are."
Barack Obama

In addition to former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, whose term of office ended last 21 January with Donald Trump's presidency, there are other outstanding figures in the neighbouring Global Disclosure or revelation, which we stress once again, finds no historical precedent equal to the scope of public and official information so well represented.

But let us go in order. One name above all is undoubtedly that of Barack Obama, former President of the United States, who, in response to a question from his interviewer James Corden during the Late Late Show broadcast recently on CBS, became immediately serious, declaring that: "What's true, and I'm really serious here, is that there's footage and recordings of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are."

These are statements that immediately arouse a certain amount of public interest, especially coming from one of the most powerful men in the world. That's Obama.

Another decisive figure is that of Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, who is famous for having called for an investigation and subsequent action of a Report presentation on 1 June next, in order to catalogue the data provided on 'unexplained' aerial objects, until the necessary answers are found. His is certainly a request that reflects very well the American policy that has always been based on national security, and which he himself states: 'anything that enters an airspace and should not be there is a threat'.

But who are the other protagonists who are just as central in the aforementioned revelatory context to the disclosure of the top secret UAP data and whom we should all perhaps prepare to accept as reality? Here are the main names:

  • Christofer Mellon: former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, he is known for being featured in the documentary "The Phenomenon", for providing the 3 Pentagon videos, later published on the front page of the 2017 NYT;

  • Luis Elizondo: is a military man who worked with the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence at the Pentagon and famous for his participation in the special Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program that ended in 2012;

  • Jeremy Corbell: ufologist and documentary filmmaker, contributed massively to the release of the top 3 videos confirmed by the Pentagon (Flir, Gimbal and Go fast) directly from his Instagram profile ;

  • Steven Greer: medical doctor, renowned ufologist and founder of CSETI and the international conference Disclosure Project, he recently directed the 2017 documentary Unacknowledged about the alleged hidden truths related to aliens.

The debate is becoming serious

Since the publication of thousands of declassified CIA UFO files on The Black Vault website (available here), the question of disclosure of certain 'Top Secret' information has started to take a new and more serious turn than in the past. One only has to think of the first and very famous case of Roswell in New Mexico in 1947, when alien remains with their spacecraft were found by a farmer, and the subsequent meticulous account given by military man and Colonel Philip Corso, who was part of the same operation. The many official testimonies and his subsequent best-selling book "The Day After Roswell" (which we recommend reading), dealt in summary with the technological legacy discovered in that incredible testimony, but due to the cover-up and confusion, the fact has been discredited and therefore deemed untrue in its content.

But like all almost unbelievable stories like this one, believing is really a gamble. And although over the decades, episodes of sightings, abductions, military secrets have been told, the subject of UFOs has always straddled the line between fable and science fiction. Only the Cinema has succeeded in demonstrating the probable existence of aliens, albeit in the celluloid version. See for instance films such as War of the Worlds, Independence Day, Mars Attacks or the iconic X-files series, just to mention some of the classics of the genre, all of which originate from the idea of "I want to believe" as a manifesto of a collective dogma that intends to respond to the continuous cover-ups and debunkers; and it is precisely the Pentagon, CIA and White House (see the last White House Press Conference) that have always been the first to deny and then dismiss any beginning of critical discussion. An attitude valid until today.

The reasons for the change of perspective on the UAPs, if we want to understand it in this way, and which goes in favour of finally revealing certain information to the public, actually stem from some "extraordinary elements" that have intensified in the last few years, namely

  • From the countless sightings and testimonies of military personnel, experienced pilots and employees within government apparatuses;

  • Sightings by radar and other highly sophisticated equipment;

  • From the thousands of amateur videos taken by civilians around the world;

From the in-depth research of the films, in relation to the analysis of the particular technology used by the strange AAVs (Anomalous Aerial/Aerospace Vehicles), which denote an incalculable superiority to the terrestrial one. In this regard, there is a famous forensic analysis that was presented to the US Congress in 2019 by the military scientific organization "SCU", (Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies) with an infrared video made in 2004, called the "US Nimitz incident report", precisely to explain the extraordinary Transmedium capabilities of UAPs, which "do not correspond to any known technology in the public domain.

Cinema and Media, storytellers or forerunners of the times?

If we know about UFOs, we owe a great deal to the Cinema, which has told us hundreds of stories, making us dream, hope and sometimes fear about the possibility of the existence of other beings and inhabited worlds beyond our earthly dimension.

But we wonder whether the role of the Cinema, like that of the Media, is also that of anticipator as well as simple narrator. Undoubtedly, the increase in the production of science fiction films that are sure to be box-office hits confirms this, but not only.

The undisputed increase of news published by the most authoritative journalistic panorama at national and international level, assumes a different and almost serious attitude on the aforementioned subject, to which we have never been accustomed before. And this in itself is already big news; in addition to the fact that updates on the subject are now a constant practice, assuming that 'such information' can no longer be hidden. Many are also wondering whether there is cause for concern, given that Covid has literally shocked the world, and that there could now be a new upheaval since such incredible news became official.

Browsing through the pages of the most authoritative Newspapers is an important clue as to what is happening and should not be minimized. Here are a few examples that are worth looking into:

Finally, there are two further aspects to be highlighted in the UFO disclosure affair and they concern:

  • the Media, Politicians, Academics, Military are finally exposing themselves on the UFO issue;

  • the UFO/UAP phenomenon has reached such a threshold of interest that it can no longer be ignored.

Another Day after 6/1?

Tomorrow, 25th t June 2021, the world may never be the same again after the announcement that will presumably be made by Congress, directed not only at Americans, but at all citizens of the earth. At the moment, important steps forward have already been taken, thanks to Science, which works through scientific committees analyzing all the evidence, testimonies and tangible consequences sometimes left by unidentified vehicles themselves. Science, in respect of what it represents, has long since taken the matter very seriously, stating that not all episodes are attributable to simple hallucinations or manifestations of simple megalomaniacs.

As early as 1998, physicist Peter Sturrock of Stanford University had already raised the issue of the complexity and seriousness attributable to the UFO problem, founding the Society for Scientific Exploration sponsored by billionaire Laurence Rockefeller, to demonstrate in essence that:

  • what cannot be understood, it is in the duty of science to ask the questions and create the hypotheses for investigation, and relatively to have the necessary equipment to study for this New Scientific Field, no less important or necessary than others.

As Sturrock points out in his analyses of UFOs over the past 60 years, "such phenomena, which are at present unknown to science, now require all the attention and scientific rigour to be able to be studied". Moreover, Sturrock's thinking, which was somewhat ahead of its time in the common thought of creating a field for the study of UAPs, can be summed up today by the term "good science", capable of engaging the interest of the public on the one hand and of fully acknowledging the work of those researchers who were ridiculed in the past.

The moment is therefore particularly delicate and at the same time necessary. Determining or establishing an official scientific committee that confirms the reality of the facts with information drops would in itself be a first and great epoch-making step, but one that is likely to create a split between a before and after. (in short, a symbolic DAY AFTER 6/1).

And if so, it is UFO history that is being rewritten. Even the famous iconic character from the 1990s X-Files series, Mulder, along with millions of believers around the world, at the news about UFOs, we're sure would jump up in his chair and finally shout. "I knew it." And we, like his skeptical colleague Scully, would answer him in chorus: "if only we had believed before".

All we have left to do is wait until tomorrow to find it out.

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